Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Wiki

Tohru and Legend (Second Half) is the fifty-eighth chapter of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon.


Tohru tells her part of her origin.


A dragon tells Tohru the humanification spell and she is able to do it the first time and the dragon thinks she is prodigy. The dragon tells her Damocles wants Tohru to explore and wonders aloud if Damocles wants Tohru to be a Spectator. Tohru begins to explore the land and encountered different creatures and cultures but noticed humans were everywhere. Every creature spoke badly of them so she wanted to see them for herself and thinks humans are foolish as they fight almost every day. She flies over a battle using escape detection and thinks humans also make interesting things and wonders why aren't they content with it. She meets Kanna later as a toddler and asks why Kanna is in her human form. Kanna explains humans can do little things for pranks. Tohru notices Kimun Kamui and realizes he is Kanna's father. Tohru asks what kinds of pranks Kanna does and she responds she likes surprising them with bugs, which Tohru thinks is childish. Kanna wants them to notice her but Tohru knows they are too busy preparing for battle even though they won't fight for another hundred years. Lucoa thinks war is awful but Tohru thinks Lucoa is a coward even though she is very strong. Lucoa hated fighting as watching from the sides Lucoa can see how fruitless is it is and tells Tohru to stop being a Chaos dragon as Tohru remembers the wars she saw with humans. Tohru is the daughter of the Emperor of Demise, a model Chaos dragon and doesn't want to blemish his reputation by fleeing from battle, even though Damocles doesn't mind. Fafnir thinks it is foolish as being constricted is a failure and tells her she is a dragon so she should live how she wants and kill anyone that stops her, even if it is family, and Tohru thinks he is an extremist. Elma tells Tohru they can't go on so they have to end their fight. Elma thinks about guidelines and thinks Tohru was right about her being manipulated but doesn't believe it to be foolish. Elma says praying is a noble act which is why it felt right to help humans and will build a home for the humans for the destroyed palace as her final task. Elma says from human's perspective, dragon's who fight with no reason are foolish and it made her happy that Tohru worked with her with no regard for the "sides" they are in . Tohru thinks back to Bandit Girl and free will and hates not being free saying she had enough of the war as it pleased her to have quarrels with friends. She respects her father but is tired of being the daughter of the Emperor of Demise and wants to be left alone. Because she is a dragon, she must fight for freedom as she faces against God. The battle has nothing to do with sides, it is her own battle, to destroy the gods and the binding of dragons to be free but gets hit with the Holy Sword, but Tohru doesn't know what happens after freedom. She took the war into her own hands and wounded up free but being alone and free was terrifying, but met Kobayashi. Tohru explains she was afraid of freedom but Kobayashi lent a hand to lead Tohru forward. Kobayashi thinks besides the confusion, as Tohru reminds her from when she moved to Tokyo. Tohru knows what she wanted, to be a maid.



  • It is revealed that Kanna is the successor of Kimun Kamui.